Leaders in Training (L.I.T.)
Resource Support (Grades 7-12th)
School Year: 2024-2025
Class Description (L.I.T.)
Leaders in Training, (L.I.T.), is a class all students participate in. Students are assigned a mentor teacher. L.I.T., for students with I.E.P.’s, is a specialized class in conjunction with the I.B., (International Baccalaureate), program. Our class is designed to assist students in reinforcing concepts presented in the general curriculum, understanding content, understanding individualized IEP goals and objectives, self-advocacy, organizational skills, small group / 1:1 support, and I.B with special education certified faculty. This is a required class and students will receive a final grade each quarter. This is a full credit elective class for 9th – 12th grades.
9-12th grade students only: Traditional grading is utilized. Students who receive 59% or below in core and elective classes each semester will not earn the needed credit towards graduation and and will be required to make up missed credits in summer school at the expense of the parent. An IEP does not ensure a passing grade, it ensures access.
8th grade students only: Students in 8th grade are earning high school credit. A 75% or higher is required in five core classes to pass each semester, (Biology, English, Algebra I, Spanish, and NM History/Health). An IEP does not ensure a passing grade, it ensures access. Students who receive 74% or below in these core classes will not pass and will be required to make up missed credits in summer school at the expense of the parent.
Topics covered
Academic assistance/support Time Management (I.B.) Transition Planning/O’Net
Organizational Strategies (Agenda, Google Classroom, PowerSchool) Research Skills Reflection
International Day I.B. Projects
**These are subject to change.
Required Materials
Daily Agenda (provided by CIS)
**Misplaced agendas: replacement cost, $10.00
**Agenda entries are required, including absences from school
Google Classroom
** Online access to Google Classroom provided by CIS through student emails
** Pens, Pencil, Erasers, Calculators, Notebooks, Backpack, Pocket Folders (organize class assignments/homework), provided by parent and student.
Classroom expectations
- Be respectful of everyone and everything, (verbal/physical).
- Be prepared for L.I.T. class every day (agenda, pencils, textbooks, and supplies).
- Put forth your best effort.
- Self-Advocacy-Ask for help when needed, (part of your participation grade).
- On task behavior.
- Completion of general education classroom assignments, tasks, and projects with support.
- Completion of LIT classroom assignments, tasks projects and IB Portfolios with support.
Grading Policies
Grades are based on traditional grading and I.B.:
- Course participation=25% each day (must be present to earn-cannot be made up)
- Agenda checks=25% each day (student’s responsibility – including days they are absent)
- I.B. Portfolio 200 points (x1 per quarter)
- I.B. assignments/projects/tasks. Points vary but will be posted in PowerSchool.
- Due dates: include extra time to meet accommodation requirements.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”–Abraham Lincoln
“I am different, not less.” ― Temple Grandin