Teacher Page – Brook Dovichin
PYP Music
In our PYP music classes, we’ll have a fantastic time exploring the world of music together! We will create, evaluate, and respond to music through various engaging activities. We’ll explore hands-on experiences with percussion instruments, playing, experimenting, and creating rhythms. Singing games, movement activities, and folk dances will make music come alive as we respond to what we hear through movement and dance.
We’ll also perform music from different cultures around the world, learning about how people in different places use music to express themselves. As we play and sing together, we’ll explore the basic elements of music like steady beat, rhythm, and melody, which are the building blocks of all the music we love.
Throughout the class, we’ll work together to build a strong community of music-makers, where everyone can share their love for music in a supportive and joyful environment. Whether we’re playing instruments, singing, dancing, or just listening, every class will be a celebration of the fun and creativity that music brings into our lives!
MYP Music
Welcome to Music Class! This class is designed to introduce students to the wide world of music, including an exploration of world music, beginner music theory, and the basics of creating and responding to music. Students will have hands-on experience playing instruments, singing, and performing, while also learning to evaluate and appreciate music from various cultures and genres.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand and apply basic to intermediate music theory concepts.
2. Explore and appreciate music from different cultures around the world.
3. Create and compose original music pieces.
4. Respond thoughtfully to various forms of music.
5. Evaluate and critique music performances.
6. Perform music individually and as part of a group.
7. Play basic to intermediate chords and melodies on the guitar and/or keyboard and/or ukulele.
8. Develop vocal skills through singing exercises and performances.
- Participation and effort in class activities
- Written reflections and theory assignments
- Group and individual compositions
- Performance evaluations (self, peer, and teacher assessments)
- Quizzes on music theory and world music concepts
- Process journal in Slides for 9th-10th graders
Classroom Expectations
Be respectful of others and their musical contributions.
Participate actively in all class activities.
Take care of all instruments and equipment.
Be open to exploring new music and ideas.